What is a P.R.O. registered track?
  • 22 Aug 2022
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What is a P.R.O. registered track?

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Article summary

Contributors can register their music tracks with Performing Rights Organizations to protect their copyright and create an additional revenue stream for the usage of the track.

Broadcast & TV Networks normally pay P.R.O.s a fee that is then distributed among its members whose registered tracks are used by the Broadcast & TV Networks.

Rest assured that royalty-free tracks purchased from MotionElements incur no additional cost above the purchase price.

The only difference with P.R.O. registered tracks is that if it is used for TV, film, or used for public performance, buyers should indicate on the cue sheet the P.R.O. details of the music track.

The relevant P.R.O. information fields are as follows:

  1. Title of Track
  2. Composer/Writer
  3. Publisher (if any)
  4. P.R.O. registered to
  5. P.R.O. code (if any)

There are various P.R.O.s in the world, and the amount of information available to be filled in the cue sheet depends on this. Again, this comes at no additional cost to anyone beyond the regular fee that P.R.O.s impose on Broadcast & TV Networks to be in business.

By properly providing the Contributor’s details, not only did you legitimize your use of the track for broadcast and public performance at no additional cost, but also made sure that the Contributor is given a share of the fee given to their P.R.O.s by the Broadcast and TV Networks.

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