How to register as a member
  • 13 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to register as a member

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Article summary

  1. Not yet a member? Sign up to register as one.


  1. Fill in the necessary information.
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address you will be using
  • A strong password
  1. Tick the checkbox to receive MotionElements’s newsletters for special discounts and updates.

  2. Then, click the Sign up button.

  3. Check the email you have used in this registration to verify your email.
    a) Click Activate your account in the email from MotionElements.

If you don’t receive the verification email, click the Resend Email or check the Spam folder. The generated verification link will only be valid for 14 days.


  1. Complete your profile information and the setting preferences in this account and Save.

  2. Enjoy our service! Search, add favorites, purchase, and download the stock content you like.

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