How to search for stock content?
  • 11 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to search for stock content?

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Article summary

Search by keywords

First, select the media type that you're looking for.


Then enter your keywords, Contributor name, Stock content code or sample filename in the search bar.

If you have downloaded our sample file, you can just copy and paste the sample filename into the search bar.


Search using an image / video file

When you already have a reference image / video and want to look for ones with a similar style or mood, all you have to do is drag & drop that file.

Try VisualSearch to make it as simple as possible to search for stock content!


Drop an image or a video.


Search using a music file

Are you looking for background music in a certain vibe and you have a reference music file?

Try AudioSearch to find your ideal tracks faster!


Drop an audio file.


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