How to install Apple Motion Templates in Final Cut Pro X
  • 17 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to install Apple Motion Templates in Final Cut Pro X

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Article summary

You've seen an "FCPX Editable" label on your desired Apple Motion Template and bought it wanting to use it in your Final Cut Pro X.

Yet now you have no idea how to install your Apple Motion Template so you can use it in FCPX.

No worries, just follow the following steps. We are using Ink Cinematic Titles as our example template.

  1. After downloading your template, unzip it. Look for the folder containing the Apple Motion File (distinguishable with its Apple Motion Icon or .motn file extension).


  1. Now you just need to copy that entire folder and paste it in the correct place for your Final Cut Pro X to find it.

a. If you have Apple Motion installed, you can paste it in:
{your user name}/Movies/Motion Templates/(either Titles or Generators folder)

b. If you don't have Apple Motion:

  • Go to Applications and right-click on your Final Cut Pro icon.
  • Select "Show Package Contents"
  • Then navigate to:
    Applications/Final Cut Pro/Contents/PlugIns/MediaProviders/MotionEffect.fxp/Contents/Resources/Templates/(either Titles or Generators folder)


Q: So should I put in Titles or Generators?

This can be a little tricky to figure out. For this example, it might be intuitive to put the template in Titles, especially because of the word "Titles" in the template's name.

However, we tried putting in Titles and it doesn't work for this template, so, as you can see in the screenshot above, we've put it under Generators instead.

So, just choose one to put the template in. If it doesn't work, just switch over to the other folder.

In the rare occasion that it still doesn't work, do feel free to approach our friendly support staff.

  1. Open your Final Cut Pro X and go to your Titles and Generators sidebar.

  2. Browse and look for your installed Title or Generator under each label, or…

  3. ... simply search for it using the search bar.

  4. Drag your template to your Final Cut Pro timeline.

  5. In the top right hand corner, you'll see a panel called "Published Parameters" appear. This is where you can edit the template. Do make sure to scroll through all the "parameters" to see what can be edited, as what you want to edit might be at the bottom of the parameter list.

And that is how you install your Apple Motion Template to be used in your Final Cut Pro X.

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