Sales dashboard glossary
    • 03 Jan 2023
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Sales dashboard glossary

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    Article summary

    Definition of terms

    Total earnings

    Total Earnings is the summation of total profit share earned from all the sales channels.

    Sales Channels

    Per item (formerly called On-demand)

    Products sold in the marketplace, purchased directly by credit card or credits.

    GCP: Unlimited Subscription

    For contributors who joined our Global Content+ Program (GCP) and are opted-in to Unlimited Subscription; this channel provides statistics on products downloadable by subscription plan.

    GCP: Video Editing Platforms (API)

    For contributors who joined our Global Content+ Program (GCP) and are opted-in to Video Editing Platforms (API); this channel provides statistics on products sold via Video Editing Platform partners who have integrated with MotionElements via API.



    "Impressions" is a metric defined as the total number of times your product appears in users’ searches. An impression is counted each time your product is listed on a search result page.

    Product Views

    “Product Views”is a metric defined as the total number of times users clicked through to your product page.

    From the "Per item" report, it shows the number of times non-subscribers have clicked to your product page, even if your product is also sold in subscription.

    From the "GCP: Marketplace Subscription" report, it shows the number of times subscribers have clicked to your product page, even if your product is not sold in Subscription.

    Adds to Favorites

    “Adds to Favorites” is a metric defined as the total number of times users added your product to their Favorites.

    From the "On-demand" report, it shows the number of times non-subscribers have added your product to their Favorites, even if your product is also sold in subscription.

    From the "GCP: Marketplace Subscription" report, it shows the number of times subscribers have added your product to their Favorites, even if your product is not sold in subscription.


    “Sales” is a metric defined as the total number of times users purchased your product.


    "Earnings" is your total profit share from the sales of your products.

    Search terms matched

    Popular terms that users searched for which matched your content's title, description or keywords.

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